Incestuous Father And Daughter Fight To Keep Their Baby


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An incestuous couple from Spain have had their child taken away after they went public with their relationship.

Incestuous Father And Daughter Fight To Keep Their Baby

The father and daughter from the island of Mallorca technically aren’t breaking any laws, as incest is legal and the age of consent is 16 in Spain, reported.

The father Cris, 36, and daughter Sara, 18, say they’re in love, but have had their child taken away by authorities after Cris’s ex-wife told social service officials he abused her.

They insist they should be allowed to keep their newborn daughter – who is the father’s granddaughter and the mother’s half-sister, technically – and that Cris’s ex is just jealous.

He told Cronica Balear: “My ex-wife is jealous and cannot understand the relationship. So she is trying to destroy it,” adding, “We may be father and daughter but she has never seen me as a parent because I am much more like a friend than a father figure… Our relationship started like they all do, with flirting, getting along and then trust”.

Sara was given two options by authorities, either give the child up for adoption or raise it by herself in a state-sponsored centre.

She said:

My relationship may be unusual but it would be worse for a child to be given up for adoption or grow up in a centre. People say [the relationship] is wrong, well I respect their opinion but I do not care.

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