Sweet couple overcomes dementia to relive the night they met in an ad that will make you cry

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The holiday season is here, and that means advertisers are laying on the tear-jerking sentimentality even harder than usual.

Sweet couple overcomes dementia to relive the night they met in an ad that will make you cry

A new spot for Swiss photo album brand iFolor captures the flash of recognition in the eyes of a man suffering with dementia after a thoughtful Christmas gift from his wife transports him back to the New Year's Eve party where the two first met.

The elderly couple dances slowly among the Autumn leaves as poignant flashbacks reveal the memory they are reliving together.

The commercial is short — just 45 seconds long — and wordless, but the wistful expressions on the couple's faces manage to convey all the meaning necessary to give the video an emotional punch.

The ad comes on the heels of another viral ad for the Swiss company — also created by agency Walker Zurich — about a horde of Vikings more preoccupied with selfies than their bloody battle.

Fuente: mashable.com
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Daniel Moussa
D: So sweet!
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