100-Year-Old Husband And Wife Celebrate 77 Years Of Wedded Bliss

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Allan and Margaret Little of Nashville, Tennessee, have a lot to celebrate. The love birds, who met at church when they were just seven years old, recently marked their 100th birthdays -- and their 77th anniversary.

100-Year-Old Husband And Wife Celebrate 77 Years Of Wedded Bliss

"We lived this long without arguing and fussing," Margaret told The Huffington Post in an e-mail. "Allan is a wonderful man, a man of character and it's been so easy to love and respect him all these years."

Allan shared similar sentiments.

"Margaret has always been there for me and supported me," he said.

The pair dated throughout high school and got married in 1938 when they were 23 years old. They had three children -- two boys who died as infants and a daughter with special needs, Jane Harris, who died at age 46.

"The idea of leaving Margaret has never entered my mind," Allan said via e-mail. "I just loved her.”

Allan, who retired from the U.S. Postal Service in 1978 after over 40 years of service, turned 100 on Nov. 11 and Margaret, who worked at a life insurance company and later focused on raising their daughter, turned 100 on Aug. 6.

"Margaret has always been there for me and supported me," Allan said.

The Littles celebrated the happy occasion at Lakeshore the Meadows, a senior living community in Nashville where they reside.

"I am surprised I lived this long," Margaret told HuffPost. "'Lots of good care and God has just richly blessed me."

Fuente: www.huffingtonpost.com
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