Drinking three glasses of champagne "could help prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease"

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A compound found in Pinot noir and Pinot meunier grapes used to make bubbly, is said to prevent the onset of the brain diseases.

Drinking three glasses of champagne "could help prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease"

The research, which was based on an experiment involving rats, was published by academics at Reading University.

Academics have said people who regularly drink champagne up to three times each week could also boost their spatial memory.

They now hope to carry out the experiment on pensioners.

Professor Jeremy Spencer told the Mail on Sunday: "The results were dramatic.

"This research is exciting because it illustrates for the first time that moderate consumption of champagne has the potential to influence cognitive functioning such as memory.”

A spokesman for the Alzheimer's Society described the study as "interesting" but added; "A lot more research is needed.”

Fuente: www.standard.co.uk
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