Remember this dogs? What just happened to them will make you smile!

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Earlier this July, Keira and Kala, two shelter dogs, were scheduled to be euthanized. The situation quickly turned around after a photo of them hugging went viral on social media, thanks to the Angels Among Us Pet Rescue. Their meeting with death was cancelled, and they were given to Chris Folchitto as foster pets.

Remember this dogs? What just happened to them will make you smile!

But their incredible story recently got even better: less than a week before Halloween, the canine besties were adopted by two human besties and roommates, Wendy and Pam.

Considering how the story spread like wildfire, it was a bit strange that they went unadopted for such a long time, Folchitto noted.

But it all worked out in the end. The two canine buddies now have loving owners.

It all started after Pam’s two senior-citizen dogs passed away. When she found out that Kala and Keira were still searching for a forever family, she leapt into action.

“It just fell together,” she said. “We turned our tears into smiles with these two young, playful dogs.”

A huge congratulations to both the dogs and the women who rescued them!

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