"Saddest Dog" shuts down after she is adopted and returned to shelter


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Lana, a one-and-a half-year-old Lab mix, was recently returned to the boarding kennel in which she began her journey. As a very young puppy, Lana and more than a dozen of her littermates were found competing for food in Mexico. Mighty Mutts, of Toronto, Canada, took in the whole crew in an attempt to find them homes.

"Saddest Dog" shuts down after she is adopted and returned to shelter

Mighty Mutts’ said the following of Lana at ten weeks old:

Lana had to grow up very fast but she went with the flow and is already completely housebroken, fine left alone and not destructive. Lana can be shy meeting new people and other dogs but hides until she feels comfortable.

Because of her past, Lana was extremely fearful and developed some resource guarding issues that were mostly resolved. Sadly, after being passed among multiple fosters, these behaviors resurfaced when she finally found her most recent permanent home. Despite their efforts, the family—who has young children—surrendered Lana back to Mighty Mutts when she snapped at one of the adults.

“Lana is currently in boarding and she is not doing well,” the rescue posted on their Facebook page. “She will only come out of her kennel for TWO people so we are there every day to make sure she gets walked, fed, and has some time to destress.”

This poor girl “shut down” entirely for a whole day—she would not even go for walks. Lisa Burchell, a Mighty Mutts volunteer, snapped the well-known photo of Lana soon after she was returned. The familiar scenery sparked a heartbreaking reaction. Lana shows us the face of complete and utter dejection, head hung low against the wall, that inspired a colossal outpouring of support.

Mighty Mutts’ website has crashed several times due to the influx of traffic, but one good thing did come of it: Lana was taken into foster care and away from the stressful kennel environment. She will learn all over again what it feels like to live in a home. But, of course, it is only temporary.

Mighty Mutts asks that any inquiries regarding Lana be sent to [email protected] only. They will not be responding to phone calls, texts, voicemails, or messages. If you would like to help Lana and other dogs like her, please consider donating to the GoFundMe page raising money for the care of otherwise neglected animals in the region.

Fuente: barkpost.com
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