Remote Caribbean islands can now get pizza delivered by plane

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Sometimes, you seriously need a pizza.

Remote Caribbean islands can now get pizza delivered by plane

Although Amazon is itching to deliver the world goods with drones, there are some places in the world where a drone makes no sense, like the small islands of Saba and St. Eustatius in the Caribbean. But starting this month, they can get pizza delivered, by plane of course.

After an April Fools' joke of helicopter pizza delivery left pizza-craving islanders thinking wishfully, a Dominos in the St. Maarten airport has officially teamed up with the airline Winair to offer small, neighboring islands pizza delivered by plane.

Audrey Agard, a manager at the Dominos location, told Mashable that since the service launched earlier this month, it has become quite popular — with several requests per day.

The food service is taking advantage of existing flights already scheduled to the islands. So when a customer calls to order a pizza, they are able to pick an arrival time and the pizza is baked right before departure. Typical fight times range from 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the island and weather conditions.

So what will this cost? As of right now, Agard said the delivery fee will only set customers back $2.75. The only downside that we can see is how jealous plane passengers will be when the delicious pizza smell takes over the plane's cabin.

Unfortunately, for pizza enthusiasts, they'll still have to drive to the airport in order to pickup their pizza from Winair, but that's better than no pizza at all.

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