Here's how you can generate a 3D hologram with your smartphone


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If you happen to have an old CD case and a few basic tools lying around, this one will make a pretty cool party trick.

Here's how you can generate a 3D hologram with your smartphone

British YouTuber and independent tech reviewer Mrwhosetheboss has uploaded an instructional video on how to turn any old smartphone into a 3D hologram projector – using nothing more complicated than a sharp knife, a ruler, a pen and paper, an old CD case and four squares of sticky tape.

The projector he creates is essentially a budget version of Holho – a portable hologram generator created by Cospe Sas and Imagination Farm. Here's a breakdown of how he makes the projector in 7 easy steps...

1. First, mark out the following shape.

This will be a paper template. The shape should measure roughly 6cm wide at the bottom and 1cm at the top by 3.5cm high. "You can always try and double those or triple those," says Mrwhosetheboss about the measurements, "and you will get a nicer effect."

2. Find an old CD case and break off the edges.

3. Use your template to mark out the shape on the CD case.

4. Carefully cut it out with your knife.

You'll need four of these shapes in total to make up your mini projector.

5. Stick the shapes together with some tape.

"Try and fasten them together like this using a little bit of tape," says Mrwhosetheboss. "I originally tried glue but then they just fell apart, so this seems to work fine."

6. Pop the projector on your phone and load up a hologram specific video.

7. Turn the lights off and sit back.

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