6 psychological tricks to be more productive

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We all wish we could be more productive at both work and home — but that's much easier said than done.

6 psychological tricks to be more productive

In a 2013 survey by software company AtTask, workers reported spending just shy of half of their workweek on things other than their primary job duties or in productive meetings.

To avoid this workplace setback, we can employ simple mind techniques that'll have us being productive before we know it. Just keep in mind that everybody works differently, so while one method may strike productivity gold, another might be a blunder.

Here are a few psychological tricks that could help improve your productivity:

1. Turn checking email into a game

The average American worker spends 28% of his or her workday going through their inbox, according to a 2012 study. Marketing coach George Kao blasts through his inbox by checking it only once every hour and repeatedly saying "next," like a game. This way, you have to decide in a split-second how to deal with the email instead of letting it sit in your inbox.

2. Allow yourself to daydream a little
Daydreaming is often associated with being lazy and unproductive, but it turns out that a little mind wandering is good for getting to the "Eureka" moment we all crave. In a 2012 study, researchers found that the brain in this relaxed state has an easier time coming up with creative solutions to help solve complex problems.

3. Instruct yourself out loud
Guide yourself by having an instructional conversation out loud to increase your attention and get away from distractions. This simple self-help method can help you solve problems calmly and in a more focused manner, especially when you're feeling flustered. Fun fact: Talking out loud has been found to help you locate lost items.

4. Break deadlines down into smaller measurements

Researchers have found that having people convert their goals and deadlines from years into days made them more proactive to get started on them, according to the Atlantic. Try this with your next project to put off that dreaded procrastination.

5. Look at pictures of nature

Restore your attention by taking a sneak peek of even just 40 seconds of nature. A 2015 Australian study found that looking at a flowering and grassy rooftop helped participants make less mistakes than those staring at a concrete building. The lead author of the study says that even looking at an image of nature can help improve work performance.

6. Constantly ask yourself about your productivity status
Create a mantra to remind you to stay productive. Ask yourself every hour or so if what you're doing at that current time is productive. According to Forbes, this will help you pause and regain focus.

Fuente: mashable.com
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