8 Awesome DIY homemade dog food recipes your dog will love you for

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Dogs are most definitely part of our family, and we are willing to do pretty much anything for them that will contribute to the health and happiness of our dogs. That could very well include making healthy, nutritious and delicious meals from scratch at home for them!

8 Awesome DIY homemade dog food recipes your dog will love you for

One thing you do need to keep in mind, though, is that the DIY homemade dog food recipes you choose don’t fall short of important nutrients that keep your dogs healthy and strong. We’ve assembled 8 Awesome DIY Homemade Dog Food Recipes on the next page that your dog will absolutely love AND keep them strong and healthy.

Here are the 8 Awesome DIY Homemade Dog Food Recipes that you can choose from (or try it all!) that your dogs will love you for AND keep them strong and healthy:

1. First up is an awesome DIY Homemade Dog Food by Damn Delicious. Keep your dog healthy and fit with this easy peasy homemade recipe – it’s cheaper than store-bought and chockfull of fresh veggies!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Yield 8 cups


1 1/2 cups brown rice
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 pounds ground turkey
3 cups baby spinach, chopped
2 carrots, shredded
1 zucchini, shredded
1/2 cup peas, canned or frozen

2. Next up is another awesome recipe that your dog will be love from The Charming Blog! Go on… and let’s spoil ’em! :)


sweet potato
butternut squash

3. Next up is homemade dog food recipe from Life in the Hundred Acre Woods using a crockpot! It’s easier than you think!


1 large roaster crock pot
3 lbs ground meat, hamburger, turkey, chicken, or lamb (you decide or mix and match)
2 cups brown rice
8 oz green beans
8 oz carrots
8 oz peas

4. Next up is yet another homemade dog food recipe that’s super healthy yet yummy looking!


brown rice
olive oil
fish oil
canned green beans
canned carrots
ground beef

5. Are you ready for another awesome homemade dog food recipe? This one’s sure to keep your dog healthy and strong!


5 pound roll of ground turkey (this costs us between $5-$8 per roll)
5 pounds of veggies (it’s usually cheapest and easiest to use frozen which still pack most of the same great health benefits)
3 cups uncooked brown rice (good alternatives are oats and quinoa)

6. Here’s yet another awesome recipe you may want to give it a try!


shredded chicken (breast and thigh, boiled in water with a little olive oil, no salt or other spices)
chopped/peeled sweet potato

7. Next up is an awesome homemade dog food recipe, more specifically… MEATBALLS!! Your dog will LOVE this one!


10 lbs ground beef (lean)
2 cups of oat bran
3 cans pumpkin puree
4 carrots, boiled/steamed and mashed
leaves of 4 kale stalk chopped finely
3 slices of bread, cubed small
4 eggs
some salt (not too much, probably about 1-2 tbs for this much meat)
some flour to dredge the meatballs

8. And last but not least… check out this healthy and homemade Woof Loaf!


1 pound lean ground turkey
1/2 cup chopped carrots
1/2 cup peas
1/2 cup oats
2 eggs
3 hard-boiled eggs

Fuente: www.pawbuzz.com
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