London is getting its first fully electric doubledecker bus

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This is probably the only bus in the world where three won't arrive at the same time, because only one of them exists.

London is getting its first fully electric doubledecker bus

London is getting the world's first, purpose-built, purely electric doubledecker bus, mayor Boris Johnson announced this week at the Clean Bus Summit.

The new bus, which will have zero emissions, will run on route 16 between Cricklewood and Victoria Station.

The size of the battery packs needed to power a bus of this size led many to believe that running a doubledecker using electricity wasn't possible, City Hall said in a statement, but Chinese manufacturer BYD took on the challenge and the new bus will enter service this October.

“The iconic red double-decker bus is about to become greener than ever. I could not be more pleased that London will play host to these exciting pure electric double-deck buses," Johnson said at the launch.

More singledecker electric busses will also be added on Route 312, which runs between Norwood and South Croydon, it's a route that will eventually only run electric vehicles.

London has a major issue with air quality and its buses exacerbate pollution levels, especially in central parts of the city. As part of London's Air Quality Strategy, the city has committed to working with Transport for London to "clean up" the city's fleet.

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