Hear The Man Of 100 Voices! AMAZING!


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There are a wide variety of talents in this world. Some people are singers while some are good at crafts. Some can dance while others can make the best meal you’ve had in your entire life. This guy has a very unique talent that I think goes unmatched in the world. It’s blowing me away!

Hear The Man Of 100 Voices! AMAZING!

Jared M. Gordon wants to show off his talent. In this video, he sets out to impersonate 100 well-known cartoon and television characters. It amazes me that he can change his voice so rapidly and so completely in such a fast period of time.

Moving from Disney characters like Mickey Mouse to Homer Simpson to Steve Urkel to Yogi Bear, this man has an incredible vocal range. Although some of them sound a little off, they come close enough to impress me!

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Fuente: www.jumblejoy.com
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