Man makes pet store signs infinitely better


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Man makes pet store signs infinitely better

Jeff Wysaski, the brilliance behind the website Pleated Jeans, has recently developed a Tumblr called "Obvious Plant." Wysaski designs creative and hilarious alternatives for pre-existing signage and then ... just ... replaces them. From movie posters to anti-littering signs, no posting is safe from Wysaski.

His latest sign-altering endeavor took place at his local pet store. Wysaski created intricately-crafted alternative signs for the different animals around the store — signs that definitely upped this store's exotic factor. The "Fieri Hamster," for example, who closely resembles chef/bleached dad bod Guy Fieri, is "attracted to clothing and other items with flame prints." There's also the "Judgmental Tree Frog," who sits there squinting and silently "judges your life choices."

Here's hoping these far-fetched signs helped the little critters find new homes. Well, except for "Haitian Voodoo Death Bird" — that guy's a jerk.

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